Monday, 9 January 2012

Newtown residents' parking consultation results

The people of east Newtown – roads to the east of Cholmeley Road – have spoken and it would seem that a majority of people responding to the residents' parking consultation say yes they want one.

The report can be found here. It is item 6 on the agenda.

In summary, 221 (31%) residents responded. 185 (83%) said yes and 36 (17%) said no.

Residents favoured option one – one way Liverpool Road eastbound with the other one-way roads remaining the same.

I will be attending the Traffic Management Advisory Panel on Thursday, January 12 to keep this scheme moving now that we have a decent mandate.


Andrew R said...

I cycle down Liverpool road. The C3 cycle route sighn still directs cyclists the wrong way down Liverpool Road. Which way am I supposed to go?

Rob White said...

Hello Andrew, apologies, I have a meeting with officers on Tuesday and will raise this with them and then. In the meantime you can still travel one-way down Liverpool road for half of your journey – going out of town. For the other half – going into town – the route would be London road, Liverpool road, Radstock road, Cholmeley road, Kennet Side.