Wednesday 18 May 2011

Reading Council balance of power negotiations

For the latest on the Reading Council balance of power negotiations click here or see the Reading Green Party website:

What do you think of our priorities?

Park Ward priorities

-- Take legal action in support of Reading families impacted by Wokingham's changes to Maiden Erlegh's catchment area.
-- Consult on tackling the parking problems in the east of Newtown through the introduction of a residents' parking scheme.
-- Remove clutter from and tidy up the Wokingham Road district shopping centre.
-- Start the Cemetery Junction area study looking at how: vehicles, pedestrians and cyclists use the junction; and the Wokingham Road, London Road and Kings Road corridors; with a view to improving the situation for pedestrians, cyclists and public transport in particular.
-- Consult on, produce and implement a Cemetery Junction cemetery management plan including access to the site, preservation of wildlife and generally improving the area.

Reading priorities

-- Reverse the recent cuts to care, which will impact on elderly and vulnerable people, by reinstating the greater moderate eligibility criteria.
-- Remove the misguided, costly and destructive Third Thames Bridge and son of Cross Town Route schemes from the Local Transport Plan.
-- Introduce 20 mph speed limits in residential areas across Reading.
-- Use the new feed-in tariff to fund solar panels on council housing and generate renewable energy at no cost to the taxpayer.
-- Continue to fund the greener, warmer, safer project to insulate homes for free in areas of deprivation.
-- Reconsider Reading's strategic approach to community cohesion, the cuts in this area and the role we want Reading Council for Racial Equality to play.
-- Restore the bus pass concessions which allowed the elderly, disabled and their carers to travel for free before 9:30 a.m. and after 11 p.m..
-- Reverse the charge for the green bin collection and investigate how the scheme could be expanded to collect food waste.
-- Reverse the reduction in the residents' parking visitor permits and the extortionate £300 charge for discretionary parking permits.

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