Monday, 22 February 2010

Moving towards an end to free plastic bags in Reading

Just bought a map from WHSmith. They are now charging 1p a bag. This got me back to thinking about the campaign for Reading to get rid of free plastic bags. Other retailers that I can think of who charge are: True Food Co-op, RISC and Sea Spray. Well done to all of them! Can anyone think of anyone else? Please add as a comment and then we can get them some publicity.


MKMXM said...

Personally, I don't think 1p is enough. I try to go out with plastic bags whenever I shop, but if I forget or get sidetracked by window shopping I'd rather think to myself "damn, that's gonna hit my wallet to get a bag, better remember next time" than "it's alright I'll get another one".

The University of Reading does Plastic Bags for 5p; TK Maxx also charges for plastic bags (as I'd imagine HomeSense owned by the same company does).

The Uni would probably sell more canvas bags (their smaller ones which aren't £3.50) if they didn't make them in pink lol.

Then there's the whole excess food packagingness. Bit of a bigger, more national problem.

Mark x

Nowtas said...

M&S charge - with a negligible difference between the stronger bags and all-too-feeble "disposable" ones, but a charge on both.