Tuesday, 29 September 2015

Warning Cemetery Junction roadworks, anticipated impact high!

COPY We have asked transport planners to improve access from Arch to central island at Cemetery JunctionJust got this from the council:

"We have been contacted by Southern Gas Network (SGN) and informed that they have located a gas escape on London Road, opposite No. 225, at Cemetery Junction.

The works are of an urgent nature and will take approximately 5 days to repair. During this time they will require a West bound (inbound) lane closure throughout the duration of the works.

Through ventilation of the gas SGN have been able to delay an immediate start until next Monday, 5th October, which will provide time for advance warning to members of the public. SGN will be erecting advance warning information signs, which will be on site from tomorrow and will we be notifying Reading Buses, Taxi association and putting messages on our Variable Message Signs (VMS).

We expect the works to be completed at end of play Friday 9th October, but will keep you informed should the works take longer to complete."

Tuesday, 8 September 2015

Green councillor calls on Reading Council to welcome refugees

Rob White refugees welcomeGreen councillor Rob White has written to the leader of the council asking her to take immediate action to ensure that Reading plays its part in welcoming refugees.

In a letter sent today, the Green Group leader called for Reading to immediately pledge to take 50 refugees. This would form a starting point towards ensuring Reading is hosting its share of refugees fleeing conflict.

Rob White, Green group leader said: "seeing the tragic pictures of three-year-old Syrian boy Aylan drowned and washed up on the beach, and other people in desperate situations brought me to tears recently.

"It is appalling that the UK has only resettled 216 Syrian refugees in the past year. Germany has pledged to take at least 800,000 asylum seekers this year and other EU countries are losing patience with the way the UK Government are dragging their feet over helping those in desperate need of sanctuary. Central government must provide the funding that Councils need to be able to properly support people fleeing from persecution and war.

"Cities such as Glasgow, Birmingham and Edinburgh have already agreed to host 50 refugees. Reading must show we are a caring town and we must play our part."

In his letter Rob White also asked about the future of Reading Refugee Support Group who do an excellent job locally of working with refugees. Earlier in the year they got a last-minute reprieve from a 50% reduction in their grant while a review was conducted.

Rob added: "Reading Refugee Support Group do a brilliant job locally supporting refugees in many ways. I know that the council is looking at cutting grants to the voluntary sector in half. Reading council needs to join with other councils across the country and stand up to the government's cruel austerity agenda to preserve vital services like this."

Thursday, 3 September 2015

Have your say on scheme to improve road safety at Redlands Primary School

COPY Kizzi and Rob outside RedlandsYou may remember that a little while ago Green campaigner Kizzi Murtagh petitioned the council to improve road safety around Redlands Primary School. Also the school has been working with the council on this issue. The scheme is now being consulted on.

The plan can be found here (page 2): http://www.reading-travelinfo.co.uk/media/106143/redlands-ward.pdf

The scheme adds double yellow lines to the junction of Lydford Road and Blenheim Gardens to improve visibility and road safety and puts single yellow lines on to Lydford Road which should stop daytime and weekday parking, keeping the road clear.

Please get back to us if you have any thoughts on the scheme.

If you would like to comment on the proposals, objections and comments in favour can be sent by e-mail to highway.objections@reading.gov.uk, quoting ref: I2621 by no later than 10 September 2015. If you require any further information please contact Jim Chen on 0118 9372198 or Andrew Sturgeon on 0118 9372101.

Depending on how the consultation goes the scheme will either then be implemented or go back to the Traffic Committee.

We will keep working, with you, to improve road safety in the area.