Wednesday, 24 July 2013

Walk for women in Reading #rdguk #walkforwomen

Just heard about this national event. And we have one going on in Reading.

A few words from Cath, the organiser:

I decided to try and organise the walk after finding out nothing had been set up for Reading - which seemed a huge shame - so it is a bit last minute! For me, not to mark this event would be to belittle the efforts of all those women (and men) who fought to alter society and thereby allow women like me to live as I choose today - in a tolerant & equal society in which I have both a voice and the right to vote. I think this becomes even more pertinent when you look at the situation in so many countries currently and the atrocities perpetrated against women who choose not to live under the religious dogma of the state , or who simply want to be educated... oops, think I might be ranting!?

The walk will start on Sunday from the Queen Vic statue near Reading Museum at 12.30pm. On the way through Newtown we will be picking up another group from by the Fisherman's Cottage and then slowly making our way to the Tea garden at Sonning Lock for refreshments before the return journey. Have had about 20 people show an interest so far, but I think turnout will be somewhat weather dependant!

Friday, 19 July 2013

Big Brother is watching you, stop Tempora

Guest post from a local Green Party member concerned about privacy:

Given the recent revelations about GCHQ’s ‘Tempora’ program UK citizens are facing the greatest threat to their civil liberties in this country’s history. Indiscriminate surveillance is being collected on the populace on a massive scale with no public mandate or accountability. This is being allowed through a legal loophole which would have been legitimized with the Snooper’s Charter. If this kind of system is allowed to exist at all at the very least it should have a mandate from both the public and parliament – with external accountability and auditing. No publicly accountable body currently exists to audit this program.

Why is privacy important?

Privacy is the tool with which individuals maintain their autonomy and individuality. This is the ability to make your own decisions from what to wear, what to eat, who to socialise with, what to read, what to watch, what to believe, who to vote for, whom to worship; without regard to your neighbours or rulers. As soon as an individual becomes aware of being monitored behaviour automatically changes. A society in which you are constantly watched encourages conformity. This conformity becomes prevalent because any thought or behaviour which may invite attention or judgement or condemnation is stifled. Without privacy there is no longer the freedom to choose and the distinction between citizen and slave fades; democracy itself dies.

This is how tyrannies ensure that people remain subservient and subordinate.

The role of a democratic government is to serve its people; a tyranny retains its power through any means necessary. As we move from persecuting a criminal to preventing a thought crime the closer we move towards the abyss of a totalitarian state.

To truly judge how free a society is look to how they treat their critics and dissidents rather than their ‘loyal’ unquestioning subjects. This sort of intrusive large-scale surveillance is designed to intimidate any form of activism, criticism and dissent which then removes any form of accountability for those in power; Orwell’s vision realised.

This petition demands a debate in Parliament to examine the implications of GCHQ’s ‘Tempora’ program, for the government and GCHQ’s legal advice on this program to be reviewed, and for a full public consultation and possible inquiry on the implications of this program and impact on the individuals’ human rights and right to privacy under both UK and EU law.

Dates and generations for road resurfacing contract #rdguk

More details, on the Council's roads resurfacing programme including dates and generations:

Dear Councillors,

Re - Major & Minor Roads Resurfacing Contract 2013-14

Further to Richard Ponchaud email of 4th July, I am now able to provide you with more details about the upcoming resurfacing programme. As previously stated the programme is due to commence on Monday 22nd July and will last for 7 weeks (weather permitting). The programme should therefore be completed on Friday 6th August.

The resurfacing works will be carried out by Eurovia Infrastructure Limited, on behalf of Reading Borough Council, and have been timed to coincide with the school summer holidays. Advance warning notices will be erected on site and letter delivered to affected properties.

The areas we are intending to resurface and expected durations are as follows:

Rotherfield Way/Southdown Road – Hemdean Road to Evesham Road (Peppard / Thames Wards) – Monday 22 July, expected to last 3 days. Working hours 8am to 8pm. Full road closure required with a signed diversion route in operation.

Prospect Street – Henley Road to Church Street (Caversham / Thames Wards) – Thursday 25 July, expected to last 2 days. Working hours 9.30am to 3.30pm. Full road closure required with a signed diversion route in operation.

Church StreetProspect Street to Church Road (Caversham) – Sunday 28 July, expected to last 2 days. Working hours 8am to 8pm. Full road closure required with a signed diversion route will be in operation.

Eastern Avenue – Full length (Redlands / Park Wards) – Monday 29 July, expected to last 4 days. Working hours 8am to 8pm. Full road closure required with a signed diversion route in operation.

St Peters Hill/Church Road - Darell Road to Church Street (Caversham/Thames Wards) - Tuesday 30 July, expected to last 5 days. Working hours 8am to 8pm. Full road closure required with a signed diversion route. No works over the weekend and the road will be open at this time.

Wokingham Road - Cemetery Junction to Palmer Park Avenue (Redlands / Park Wards) - Saturday 3 August, expected to last 6 days. Working hours 10am to 8pm on the Saturday and 8am to 8pm for the remaining days. Full road closure required with a signed diversion route in operation.

Oxford RoadAlma Street to Norcot Road (Norcot Ward) – Tuesday 6 August, expected to last 3 days. Working hours 8am to 8pm. Full road closure required with a signed diversion route will be in operation.

Westwood RoadSchool Road to Armour Road (Kentwood / Tilehurst Wards) – Friday 9 August, expected to last 5 days. Working hours 8am to 8pm. Full road closure required with a signed diversion route in operation. No works over the weekend and the road will be open at this time.

Shinfield RoadElmhurst Road junction (Redlands / Church Wards) – Friday 2 August and Saturday 3 August. Working hours 8am to 8pm. Road remains open, works carried out under temporary traffic lights.

Bridge Street, Caversham – Richfield Avenue to Church Road (Abbey / Caversham Wards) – Saturday 10 August, expected to last 2 days. Working hours 8am to 8pm. Full road closure required with a signed diversion route will be in operation.

Christchurch Gardens – Full length (Katesgrove/Redlands Wards) – Friday 9 August, expected to last 2 days. Working hours 8am to 8pm. Full road closure required with a signed diversion route in operation. No works over the weekend and the road will be open at this time.

Oxford Road - Sections from Overdown Road to Borough Boundary (Kentwood / Norcot Wards) – Thursday 15 August, expected to last for 4 days including the weekend. Working hours 8am to 8pm. Full road closure required with a signed diversion route in operation.

Kendrick Road – Full length (Redlands / Katesgrove Wards) – Tuesday 13 August, expected to last for 4 days. Working hours 10am to 8pm on the Wednesday and then 8am to 8pm. Full road closure required with a signed diversion route will be in operation.

The Forbury – Sections from Market Place to Valpy Street (Abbey Ward) – Saturday 17 and Sunday 18 August. Working hours 8am to 8pm. Full road closure required with a signed diversion route in operation for the duration.

Caversham RoadChatham Street to Abattoirs Road (Abbey Ward) – Monday 19 August, expected last 2 days. Working hours 8am to 8pm. Road remains open, works carried out under lane closure.

Southampton StreetCrown Street to IDR (Katesgrove Ward) – Monday 2 September, expected to last 2 days. Working hours 8am to 8pm. Full road closure required with a signed diversion route in operation.

Redlands Road – Sections from Elmhurst Road to Morgan Road (Redlands Ward) –Tuesday 27 August, expected to last for 4 days. Working hours 8am to 8pm. Full road closure required with a signed diversion route will be in operation. No works over the weekend and the road will be open at this time.

NB: All programmed dates are subject to change depending on weather conditions

Thursday, 18 July 2013

Improvements for pedestrians in east Reading #rdguk

I just got this update from the Council, still a long way to go to make Reading pedestrian friendly, but good to see progress:

"As you will be aware, the preferred option designs for the series of pedestrian and cycle improvements in the study area were agreed at the Steering Group meeting in June.  Due to the early completion of the civil works for the Kings Road bus lane extension, we will now be able to commence implementation of the two pedestrian crossing refuge islands on Redlands Road next week, prior to the highway resurfacing which will take place in August.  The installation of the zebra crossing in Redlands Road will be undertaken in September after the resurfacing has been completed."

Tuesday, 9 July 2013

More 20 mph schemes across Reading #rdguk

At the recent Traffic Committee there was a report continuing the Council's work on 20 mph. It proposed creating five new 20 mph zones across Reading.

We have been campaigning for all residential roads in Reading to the made 20 mph, so this isn't exactly what we wanted, but it is a step forwards.

At the meeting a number of councillors argued for the zone in/near to their ward to be expanded and the transport planners said they would consider this. We have asked for the East Reading zone to be expanded to include the whole of Park Ward.

Maps of all of the zones are below – click to enlarge:

1 20MPH University Area20MPH Amersham Road20MPH Merton Road20MPH Oxford Road20MPH St Giles Close

Monday, 8 July 2013

Major & Minor roads resurfacing contract 2013-14 to begin on Monday, July 22 #rdguk

Having been lobbying for a number of roads in Park Ward to be resurfaced I am pleased to see this moving forwards. Here is the update from the Council:

“This year’s programme of carriageway resurfacing is due to commence on Monday 22 July. The contract is for a period of 7 weeks (6 weeks work, with a break for the festival) and works should be completed by Friday 6 September, weather permitting.

I am currently waiting for our contractor to finalise a few details of the programme and traffic management. Once I have this information I will send a further email giving more details of the work to be carried out and the planned dates for each road and issue a press release. Please be aware that in order to give residents as much notice as possible the contractor may erect some advance signs on site prior to you receiving the full programme. I also need to make you aware that street notices advertising road closures, parking restrictions and other temporary traffic regulation orders required to carry out the resurfacing were erected on site yesterday afternoon. These notices do not mention specific dates for each individual road but I can assure you that the restrictions will only be in operation on each road when required. I have attached a copy of the street notice for your information.

I have attached Appendix A from the Highways Maintenance Programme report that went to the Traffic Management Advisory Panel in March this year detailing the roads we are looking to resurface this summer. Please note that the list (Section A) includes reserve sites and whether or not we are able to resurface one or more of these roads will be dependant on the overall costs as the programme progresses.“

Monday, 1 July 2013

Invitation to fracking film tour

A message from Green MEP for Reading Keith Taylor:

"This July a brand new film about Fracking will be touring the South East of England.
The film, called ‘Drill Baby Drill’, tells the inspirational story of activists in Poland and Pennsylvania standing up against the multinational companies wanting to frack in their communities.

I’d be delighted if you’d join me at one of our screenings. The film will be showing in Sandwich, Canterbury, Brighton, Balcombe, Reading and Oxford.

All screenings will be followed by a discussion on fracking led by experts and activists.
If you’d like to come to either of these free screenings then please book a ticket. We only have a limited amount of tickets and this could be your only chance to see this brilliant film, so make sure you book in advance.

Kind regards,
Keith Taylor MEP"

Free Tickets:
Friday 12th July: The Empire Cinema, Sandwich
Saturday 13th July: The Gulbenkian Cinema, Canterbury
Sunday 14th July: The Hanover Pub, Brighton (
Monday 15th July: Victory Hall, Balcombe (
Tuesday 16th July: Quakers Meeting House, Oxford (
Wednesday 17th July: RISC, Reading